- 2011
- June
- 13
3de fietstocht van Casper
- May
- 29
2de flinke fietstocht van Casper
- 2009
- April
- 01
- March
- 21
Casper heeft zijn arm gebroken
- February
- 21
Eerste echte voetbal wedstrijd
- 2007
- February
- 12
Casper's 5
- 2006
- February
- 12
Casper is four years old
- 05
- January
- 29
Plato and Aristotle - go home
- 25
All good things are three
- 2005
- August
- 26
Casper wordt bij-de-hand
- 04
Casper talks v.3
- May
- 06
Casper talks some more
- February
- 12
Casper's three!
- 2004
- September
- 21
Casper talks
- March
- 16
Evolution in progress
- February
- 24
RTI - 2)
- 12
Casper 2 years old !
- 10
What's up?
- January
- 16
Conversations with Casper
- 2003
- December
- 30
New pictures of Casper
- August
- 12
Casper is 1 1/2 years old
22 entries
| 5 updates
| top
- 2007
- July
- 22
Robin 4
- 2005
- July
- 22
Robin's 2
- 2004
- September
- 17
Robin walks !
- March
- 16
Evolution in progress
- February
- 10
What's up?
- 2003
- October
- 07
New pictures of Robin
- September
- 27
Robin outweighs Casper
- August
- 14
Robin finally correctly named
- July
- 22
First pictures of Robin
9 entries
| top
- 2007
- July
- 11
Lucas 2
- February
- 23
Febrile seizure
- 2006
- October
- 27
Two sick children
- September
- 15
Lucas is walking
- February
- 10
Lucas has the chickenpox
- 2005
- October
- 22
Our fashion-kid
- July
- 14
Lucas Benjamin Tristan Naafs
- 11
Welcome 2 the 4 of us little 1 !
8 entries
| 3 updates
| top
- 2012
- April
- 11
Is blogging dead?
- 2010
- November
- 22
New hoster, new entry
- June
- 08
EU - to join or not to join, that is the question
- May
- 08
Mijn mooie vrouw
- April
- 22
Great question
- 15
De eerste toertocht van het jaar
- February
- 22
No cancer ;-)
- 16
Google Buzz
- January
- 11
My mother has cancer
- 2009
- December
- 20
Det snoer, det snoer, tiddelibom, tiddelibom, tjohei ;-)
- 15
8 jaar getrouwd
- 09
LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)
- November
- 29
Op de racefiets
- 22
- May
- 30
Onlinebase CMS
- January
- 12
New Year - Nieuw Jaar - Nytt År
- 2008
- November
- 28
A couple of new pictures
- 2007
- August
- 29
Sebastiaan's birthday
- 16
Comment-spamming III
- 14
I'm up to 12%
- May
- 01
New laptop
- April
- 02
April's Fool
- March
- 30
- 02
Linkdump in Norwegian
- 01
A smile break
- February
- 05
Lola rennt
- 03 spam
- January
- 25
- 14
Comment-spamming II
- 04
Three hospital visits
- 01
Happy New Year
- 2006
- December
- 15
Happily married
- 12
Munch Google
- 12
Firefox on the move
- 04
Child killed in Dutch school
- 01
- November
- 29
- 23
- October
- 16
The coolest bike ever!
- 12
Linn Maria and Christoffer
- August
- 10
Welcome to the world!
- July
- 30
Gino - Rest in peace
- 29
Vacation in Norway 2006 pt.2
- 28
Vacation in Norway 2006 pt.1
- 26
Fraud Landis???
- 19
It's oh so hot...
- June
- 25
We're out!
- 11
Photo gallery
- May
- 05
Summer's here
- 01
Seat Alhambra
- March
- 12
- 06
Det snør, det snør, tidelibom...
- February
- 27
Cowon iAudio M5L
- 21
Google Adsense
- 20
Running with rabbits
- 03
Working alone for a week
- January
- 13
Friday the 13th
- 01
Happy 2006
- 2005
- December
- 31
Snow in the Netherlands
- 07
We're moving to our new house
- 02
Me and my colleagues
- November
- 29
Chaos in the Netherlands
- October
- 18
Starwreck - the movie
- 15
Jesu 10 feil
- 12
NEC 3540
- September
- 25
242 (231) km/h
- 19
Garden State
- 09
Belgian Formula 1 Grand Prix
- 03
Huis te koop - Makassarstraat 71 te Utrecht Euro 219.000,-- k.k.
- August
- 31
A new employer
- 29
Sebastiaan just turned 30
- 19
Falling off my bike
- 14
- July
- 26
- 18
Mum's returned 2 her homeland
- 11
Veronica's 28
- 10
From Blogger to N-vD CMS
- 05
Moulin Rouge - the movie
- June
- 19
Some pictures from last year
- 15
From today 4 can become 5
- May
- 27
It's HOT...
- 26
Deep Space Nine
- 22
- 22
Greece wins the 2005 Eurovison Song Contest
- 20
- 17
- 16
The HitchHikers Guide 2 the Galaxy (HHGTTG)
- 15
ETERNAL SUNSHINE of the spotless mind
- 14
Black Hawk Down
- April
- 24
A new pope - but not a new begining...
- 23
- 13
Eating pancakes and reminiscing
- 02
Pope John Paul the 2nd is no more
- March
- 12
- 07
My fathers 58th birthday
- 02
Winter's back pt II
- February
- 23
Winter's back
- 20
Activity Day
- 19
Daddy Day
- 16
- January
- 25
A very welcome nudge on the shoulder :-)
- 2004
- November
- 03
Busy weeks
- October
- 22
Happy birthday Mom!
- 02
- 02
New tasks
- September
- 12
Birthday celebrations
- August
- 29
Sebastiaan close to thirty
- 26
New computer
- 12
What am I doing ?
- July
- 25
Idleness is the root to all evil
- 11
Veronica's birthday !
- June
- 30
- 20
Vacation in Norway
- May
- 30
Veronica pregnant
- 21
Three kidz
- 17
Norwegian National Holiday
- April
- 22
My grandmother died 2day
- 21
Prince - Musicology
- 15
- February
- 24
RTI - 1)
- 10
What's up?
- January
- 02
Kurt Nilsen Wins World Idols
- 2003
- December
- 23
- 21
4 children (temporarily !)
- 15
Married for 2 years!
- 09
New tyres
- 07
Update of the CSS
- 06
Sinterklaas avond
- 02
- November
- 30
USB 2.0
- 22
The website of the marriage of Veronica and Bart
- 16
- 16
- 12
Work stuff
- 05
- 03
Back in the Netherlands
- October
- 27
- 25
First few days in Norway...
- 21
Off to Norway!
- 17
- 15
- 04
Marriage afterparty
- September
- 22
Thinking about cars
- 15
Pictures of the IAA in Frankfurt
- 12
Big update
- 05
Veronica and Bart married
- August
- 29
Sebastiaans birthday :-)
- 18
My mother has walked alone !
- 17
An extended family day out
- 15
Great family news
- 06
A News section has been added
- 05
The new Naafs-van Dijk family site is launched!
152 entries
| 39 updates
| top
- 2008
- January
- 12
And then there will be 6 of us...
- 2007
- March
- 12
Marjolijn's finished !
- February
- 10
Summer of '97
- 2005
- March
- 07
Marjolijn's 33
- 2004
- March
- 07
Marjolijns birthday
- February
- 10
What's up?
6 entries
| top
- 2014
- April
- 16
Is Internet Explorer 11 the new broken browser?
- 2010
- February
- 10
IE8 X-UA-Compatible
- 2007
- May
- 25
Mike Cherim
- April
- 13
Linkdump for Friday 13th
- March
- 23
- January
- 22
CSS 101
- 2006
- December
- 13
Testing WYSIWYG editors
- June
- 22
Webdesigners handbook
- 14
The Scrutinizer
- May
- 12
Kill Bill's Browser
- 03
Opening new windows
- April
- 26
IE Warning
- 25
Two Cold Fusion blogs
- 13
Accessible websites
- February
- 20
Plans for the future
- January
- 14
- 09
Backbase - fantastic software
- 2005
- December
- 21
Webstandards - take one
- November
- 14
New setup of the website
- October
- 20
Revamped websites
- September
- 20
Technical newbies
- 19
Microsoft IE Developer Toolbar
- 08
A new online validator
- August
- 07
Feeds available !
- 04
Online webstandard library
- June
- 30
- May
- 22
IE6 bugs
- February
- 27
Spam - what is that?
- 16
New look and feel
- 2004
- November
- 09
Website thingz
- October
- 14
Websites of friends
- June
- 01
New websites
- May
- 02
Update website
- February
- 01
The Birthcard Company
- January
- 01
Handreiking Jeugdwerkloosheid
- 2003
- November
- 01
The Marriage
- September
- 01
JBS Unix Solutions
- 01
Agentschap SZW
- August
- 28
Tweaking, tweaking and tweaking...
- June
- 01
Ruim Baan voor Minderheden
- April
- 01
Focolare Movement
- February
- 01
42 entries
| 33 updates
| top
- 2009
- March
- 15
Thomas kruipt!
- 2008
- July
- 25
Thomas - some pictures
- 15
Thomas Christian Thabiso Naafs
3 entries
| 2 updates
| top