...is Dutch for fixing up your old stuff and creating something new and better!
Which we are doing this weekend! Marjolijn and Sebastiaan that is. Casper and Robin are staying with Jelle and Sam for the weekend, so the two of us can do some real work. The plan is to fix up the last room, in the back on the 2nd floor. Couple of nice colours on the wall, paint the doors and do some other stuff (new ceiling!).
This'll be fun!
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
... on 19 February 2025 @ 03:20
Sebastiaan posted:
1It was a good weekend, we accomplished a lot - so now the room is ready 2 B used. Only thing left is 2 clean out some more of our stuff - seggregate the good stuff from the bad or never used stuff! A tough 1, which we saved 4 last ;-)
... on 02 April 2005 @ 23:22
Sebastiaan posted:
2Today (25 april 2005) we're going 2 finish off the last few tidbits that need 2 B done B4 the room is completely ready 2 B moved into. Hang up some curtains, the sliding doors and clean up the rest of the mess. Then we'll sort out the last of our storage stuff and voila - we're done!
... on 25 April 2005 @ 09:26
Lars Mediaas posted:
3Sounds very impressive! Yet another reason to come down and visit you guys again!
... on 23 May 2005 @ 22:00