LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Picture of Marjolijn and Sebastiaan during our wedding

Stories on Sebastiaan

Great family news

15 August 2003

Today I got some very great news. One from both of my parents! Firstly my father emailed us that he'd finally gotten a steady job again! It has taken him some time, but in the end: he who waits for something good...! Now he'll be a coach running and planning trainings for new employees at an office for jobseekers. Furthermore he'll be rewriting the training handbook, which hasn't been revised since 1993! Good luck, and congratulations Dad!

Secondly I talked to my mother on the phone today and she could tell me that yesterday she'd walked some 5 meters with two crutches, the physiotheraptist holding and supporting her. Now this in itself is great news, considering what has happened to her. Her brainstroke happened only 2 months ago, but she's making progress. And what kind of progress! Because today my mother could tell me that she'd walked another 5 meters today, without crutches, though supported by the physiotherapist! Now is that progress or is that progress? In a small month or so she can leave the hospital to go back home. Good luck, and congratulations Mom!

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top

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