"What has happened to the happy, colourful family blog?", you may ask. Well, it's still here, only in a different format and in a different coat. It's all because we changed ADSL-providers recently, and mister Sebastiaan himself completely forgot to transfer the old static HTML-blog from the old provider server to the new provider server. So all our rantings, stories, pictures adn fun stuff was gone, in a flash!
Luckily Sebastiaan keeps all of his websites on his laptop, so everything's there. But not right here anymore. I'd copied the frontpage some time ago so the last seven posts of the Fall of 2004 are here now, and then this lonely one. But hopefully more will come later, as well as all the old tales!
And yes, I'm still working on the other thing, my very own built CMS, but until I get everything installed, bugfixed and up-and-running, Spring, Summer and yet another Fall may have passed!
Updated 10 July 2005, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk
The colourful weblog is back ;-) It's no longer static HTML though, but completely data-driven! And of my own invention ;-) Yeah!
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
... on 23 January 2025 @ 02:34
Jeroen posted:
1Hey Sebastiaan!
It has been a while since I last visited your site, and was surprised that you are using blogger now! At last you have real comments and an atom feed, so I don't have to look whether you have written something. Of course I expect that you will change the stylesheet, or you would not be a web developer!
Greetings to the family.
... on 24 March 2005 @ 12:39
Sebastiaan posted:
As of today the weblog is back to its old beauty, but now it's completely data-driven, supported by my own CMS!
Comments work and the styleshet is completely my own - even the search I've created myself! Furthermore there's a nice navigation through the different articles per category and an overview of all the entries per category, per year!
The Atom-feed I'm gonna have to work on! Would be nice to have that as well!
... on 11 July 2005 @ 00:07