LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Picture of Marjolijn and Sebastiaan during our wedding

Stories on Sebastiaan

What am I doing ?

12 August 2004

This a heading to an entry I was planning to write, because at the time I had no idea what I was doing at work. Better, no idea means nothing to do. Having been put "on hold" for more than a month and a half now, I find it difficult to be very interested in the things that I need or can be doing. Also the prospect for work in the next month is not very promising. There might be a possibility for me to take over a webmaster task from a colleague, and it seems to be a paying job as well. Then I can be billable again and that feels good. But that is the future - this is now. Not much to do, helping out at the head office, doing stuff for other colleagues (calling customers, collectiong information, writing pieces for offerings etc.). Hopefully end of August and September will bring me a new challenge at one of our customers! Anyway, this turned out to be an entry about what I was doing and what the future might bring. Not very interesting, more like easing the pained soul and mind of the authour ;-).

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top

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