Casper, who was home today because of a similar ugly cough as I had during the weekend, is improving. Hopefully he won't be getting what I had. He's taking part in a study called "PRIMAKid", which stands for
Prevention of Respatory tract Infections and MAnagement in children
mainly because he falls into a group of children who have had more than an average share of this kind of infections. The study aims to find out if vaccinating young children against influenza- and pneumokoks, can prove to be an (cost)efficient way to reduce these kind of infections in children. Until now Casper has received two rounds of shots. As it is a double-blind, fully randomized study, neither we nor the scientists will know what the outcome of the study is, until all the data has been collected. We have been told not to expect this before the end of 2005. In the meantime we provide the study with a diary of Caspers respatory tract infections, if, when and for how long they last. Hopefully the results of this study will improve the overall benefit children have of the Dutch National Childrens Vaccination Programme.
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
1... on 19 February 2025 @ 03:54