Robin is 15 minutes old. He's just gotten his first check-up and everything is OK ! As he was three weeks early he's still covered in the so-called "body-smear", a layer of protective, natural grease... |
Robin, 5 minutes old, together with Marjolijn. "Oh, help", he must be thinking, "what are all those bright light flashing all the time? It was so nice and dark in mummy's belly!" |
Robin, 30 minutes old, together with his proud father Sebastiaan ;-) |
Robin, Casper and Marjolijn, 10 minutes after Casper has met his brother for the first time! Casper is holding Robin very gently, caressing and hugging him like he's done this a million times! |
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
1... on 04 October 2024 @ 07:06