I found some time this weekend to do some work on the stylesheet. I wanted to do something about the arrows which are at the end of all the links in the contentarea. Until now they were images positioned in the text, actually after the text. I assumed this also could be accomplished with CSS and after some pondering I came up with an idea. As you see (or actually dont't see - as there visually are no changes) it worked! Check out the source if you don't beleive me.
Furthermore I wanted the visitors to the site to know where they were. I decided to use the same technique as I did with my sisters wedding-page. So now you can see in the main menu where you are by the highlighted menuitem! Check out the new CSS by typing http://www.naafsvandijk.nl/global/naafsvandijk.css.
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
1... on 19 February 2025 @ 02:11