LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Our fourth son Thomas - peacefully asleep

Stories on Thomas

Thomas - some pictures

25 July 2008

For your viewing pleasure - some pictures of our new little man:

Thomas Christian Thabiso Naafs

Click on a picture to get the larger version. All pictures open to full size in this window.

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Thumbnail opens to full size in this window Thumbnail opens to full size in this window Thumbnail opens to full size in this window Thumbnail opens to full size in this window Thumbnail opens to full size in this window
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Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. Opa posted:

    De kids glimmen van genoegen met hun nieuwe broertje, speciaal Lucas is helemaal vergulg en Ma ligt te stralen na het zware werk...

    ... on 25 July 2008 @ 12:04

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    ... on 27 July 2024 @ 09:58