LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Picture of Marjolijn and Sebastiaan during our wedding

Stories on Sebastiaan

Sebastiaan's birthday

29 August 2007

It's me and Michael Jackson special day again - and a friend of Marjolijns birthday as well. I turned 32, how old Wacko Jacko is - haven't got the faintest of clues. Ain't gonna Google for it either. Anyways, it was a nice day. I took the day off and went with Casper to my mother. There Veronica and Marius were as well, so the 5 of us went into town (Hilversum) to do some shopping. My mum had bought me a surprise at a "stuff-and-things-and-nice-thingamajigs" store. It was (almost) a carte blanche cheque for buying a nice mirror for in our hallway. We've wanted such a mirror for ages, and my mother had jotted down this wish a long time ago. All this time we hadn't bought a mirror, so she could surprise us with this gift. Excellent! I ended up chosing a Turkish style mirror, about 2 meters mong and 80 cm's wide, with a nice arch and some very nice metalworks along the sides. It fitted perfectly in our hallway and the ugly tiles we have on the floor ended up nicer than we ever could dream of. All of a sudden they were perfect ;-)

The rest of the day I spent looking for a radio controlled car for myself. It was a gift the kids had thought of giving to me, as they themselves really like playing with such toys. After much looking back and forth in different stores, we ended up in a specialized store buying a rather big, buggy-style car. Lots of fun ;-)

In the evening we ate at the traditional Pancake house in Rhijnauwen, together with almost all our family. Very nice and comfy - it was quite late before the kids turned in!

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. lars posted:

    Hei du!

    Skulle egentlig ringt deg for å gratulere med bursdagen, men jeg er ikke i stand til å finne telefonnummeret ditt. Får spamme deg med denne kommentaren i stedet. ;) Håper du hadde en veldig hyggelig feiring den 29.!

    Ha en bra helg, kompis!


    ... on 31 August 2007 @ 20:24

  2. Linn Maria posted:

    ups...flere som burde ha ringt deg på håper den var strålende! Du fortjener alt det gode verden kan gi deg! klem og klem

    ... on 10 September 2007 @ 22:46

  3. Sebastiaan posted:

    Takk for alle gratulasjoner og glade e-poster ;-)

    ... on 16 January 2008 @ 11:17

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