LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Picture of Marjolijn and Sebastiaan during our wedding

Stories on Sebastiaan

I'm up to 12%

14 August 2007

My good friend Jeroen Sangers collects many good things that he finds on the Internet in one or more of his websites. Recently he discovered TravBuddy, which offers a dynamic map of the world with all the countries you've visited highlighted. So I did like Jeroen and made my own TravBuddy World Map:

Go to to create your own map!

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. Jeroen posted:

    I just checked out your map, and indeed it looks like your map is more filled in. This made me curious, so I looked in more detail and posted my findings at

    ... on 17 August 2007 @ 17:59

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