LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Stories on Webdesign

23 March 2007

Since the first of March a new company has joined the masses, but this one is one of a kind - it's mine and Jonathans', and it called Onlinebase. We're here to make a difference. Already we have some 6 customers to start off our little business adventure with. For three of them we have built and are currently hosting their website (Allround Service Varmland, Klif1, Mentor Nederland), the other three are coming along nicely. Please visit our website for more info - be aware, it's work in progress, you're bound to run into some Lorem Ipsum's on the way ;-)

Oh, and I'll be hosting this website over at as well shortly, so you won't get "website unavailable" messages when one of my three darlings cut the power to my server here at home (which was the case today...). External hosting at Onlinebase is a lot safer for your website / webapplication / webhosting / web-anything AND your Cold Fusion than doing it at home ;-)

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top

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