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Child killed in Dutch school

04 December 2006

I was shocked to read that an 8 year old child was killed at an elementary school in the Netherlands, close to the Belgian border, on the 1st of December. The news even reached the Norwegian newspaper I read online on a daily basis ( How can this happen here? I guess that is a question many people ask themselves when something like this happens in their neighbourhood.

Marjolijn is an elementary school teacher and she says that there is little to no control in schools as to who enters and who wanders the hallways during schooltime. So the 22 year old accused could easily have entered the schoolbuilding and as was his character impulsively kill the 8 year old Jesse. Is it time that we lock all the school doors during schooltime or should we account this to fate and "things-like-this-happen-once-in-a-while-in-a-society-of-16-million"?

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top

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