LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Stories on Webdesign

Webdesigners handbook

22 June 2006

You know the feeling. Too many feeds to read, to many favourites in your browser, too little time to sort them all out. You've planned to do it many a time, but there just never seems to be just that little extra time you need to get it all sorted out. Now you don't have to any more. It's been done, by someoneelse. But you can make good use of it. Who? Vitaly Freeman! Where? Here: And best of all, it's updated weekly. Good luck with that Vitaly,..., and thanx 4 doing what I just never got around to doing!

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. Pappa posted:

    Bedankt, goeie, en nuttig ook nog...

    ... on 28 June 2006 @ 20:34

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