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Jesu 10 feil

15 October 2005

Ingen er perfekt - ikke engang Jesus, hevder tidsskriftet Chef. Sveriges største tidsskrift for bedriftsledere har analysert Jesu lederegenskaper - og funnet hans største feil.

  1. Judas var en feilansettelse.
    Allerede da Jesus ansatte Judas, skjønte han at det ville skape problemer senere.
  2. Jobben stjal all hans tid.
    I likhet med moderne ledere jobbet Jesus for mye. Han drev sin ledergruppe - de tolv disiplene - hardt, men seg selv ennå hardere.
  3. Han ansatte bare menn.
    De som forsvarer Jesu kvinnesyn, pleier å understreke at han omgikkes prostituerte, og drar gjeerne frem episoden der han reddet kvinnen som skulle steines. Men det er ikke til å komme bort fra at ledergruppen hans besto av tolv menn.
  4. Han var utydelig.
    Tenk hvor mange århundreder med religiøse konflikter som kunne vært unngått dersom Jesus klart og tydelig hadde sagt hva han mente, i stedet for å tale i lignelser.
  5. Han var humørsyk.
    Jesus var en av historiens mest temperamentsfulle ledere - og det var ikke moro å stå i veien for ham. Det kan skyldes stort arbeidspress.
  6. Avgangen kom uventet.
    Jesu disipler ventet på et stort politisk gjennombrudd, og forsto ikke hva han mente når han sa at hans rike ikke var av denne verden. Da sannheten gikk opp for dem, var det for sent.
  7. Han var inkonsekvent.
    I begynnelsen var Jesus overbevist om at hans kall bare gjaldt jøder. Men i møte med en kvinne fra Kanaan gikk det opp for ham at hans budskap måtte globaliseres. Dermed endret han sin forretningsidé.
  8. Han slurvet med skatten.
    Jesus og disiplene levde stort sett av almisser. Han fikk ikke resultatbonus for antall frelste sjeler. Likevel kom han på etterskudd med skatten - og ble blant annet plaget av skatteinndrivere som krevde tempelskatt.
  9. Han forsømte familien.
    Forholdet til familien var trolig ganske anstrengt. Han forlot dem for å gå ut og preke, og overlot ansvaret for sine foreldre til søsknene. Jesus er ikke den eneste som har slitt med å kombinere jobb og familie, men ved ett tilfelle avviste han til og med sin egen mor i all offentlighet. Neppe et eksempel til etterfølgelse.
  10. Han manglet en fremtidsstrategi.
    Jesus forlot sine disipler uten å gi dem noen planer for hvordan den internasjonale ekspansjonen skulle gjennomføres. Han må ha visst at hans gjerning ville leve videre flere tusen år etter hans bortgang - men hva gjorde han for å tilpasse sitt budskap til andre tider og kulturer?

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Updated 18 October 2005, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk

Here's the text in English - the translation's mine:

Nobody's perfect - not even Jesus, according to the magazine Chef. Swedens largest managerial magazine has analyzed the managing skills of Jesus - and found his 10 biggest mistakes.

  1. Judas was a mistake - he should never have been hired.
    The very moment he hired Judas, he understood he would be trouble.
  2. His job devoured all his time.
    Like a lot of modern leaders Jesus worked to much. He drove his group of leaders - his 12 disciples - very hard, but himself even harder.
  3. He only hired men.
    Those that defend Jesus view on women, usually say that he frequented prositutes and like to tell the story about the time Jesus saved the woman who was destined to be killed by 'stoning'. Despite all this it's hard to not face the fact the group of 12 leaders only consisted of men.
  4. He wasn't easy to understand.
    Imagine the centuries of religious conflicts that could've been avoided had Jesus been more precise and clear on what he actually meant and said. Instead he spoke in tongues and told stories people had to interpret as best they could.
  5. He was moody.
    Jesus was one of history's most temperamental leaders - crossing his path was no walk in the park. This could be due to the immense workload he had.
  6. His retirement was quite unexpected.
    Jesus disciples expected a huge political breakthrough and didn't understand Jesus words about 'this kingdom not being of this Earth'. When the truth of his words sank in, it was too late.
  7. He was inconsequent.
    In the beginning Jesus was adamant about his followers only be Jews. But after meeting the Canaanite woman he realized his message was of global importance and for all (wo)men. This made him change his businessplan.
  8. He was sloppy with the taxes.
    Jesus and his disciples lived of offerings and handouts. He wasn't awarded a bonus for the number of saved souls. Still he was late paying his taxes - amongst others he was in a constant fight with the IRS demanding he pay his temple-taxes..
  9. He neglected his family.
    His relationship with his family was probably quite strenuous. He left them to go out in the world and preach, leaving the responsibilities and care for his elders with his siblings. Jesus isn't the only one who has strained to combine work and family, but at a certain moment he publicly denounced his very own mother. Not a very good example of a rolemodel.
  10. He lacked a vision - a strategy for the future.
    Jesus left his disciples without giving them a heads-up of the plans for an international expansion. He must've known that his deeds and his message would live amongst humankind thousands of years after he was gone - but what did he do to adjust his teachings to modern times and other cultures?

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. Pappa posted:

    Nice "Work resume" the same as the

    ... on 20 October 2005 @ 22:59

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