Today's Robin's second birthday. Although it's the middle of the summer we will have a big party tomorrow with lots of friends and family coming over! It's really nice seeing Robin growing so big and seeing him learning all those bigger children things. He's doing a lot of talking and building and constructing all sorts of things. He's even playing along with kids twice his age and doing fine at it!
Robin, have a wonderful couple of days - we'll celebrate you today, tomorrow and on monday at the kindergarten!
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
... on 19 February 2025 @ 03:46
Opa posted:
1Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag Robin en natuurlijk nog veel plezier op alle feestjes van Opa uit Noorwegen
... on 22 July 2005 @ 09:36
Desmond de Haan posted:
2Robin, have a great birthday!
Enjoy this day knowing that from now on there is always a older and wiser brother who should have known better AND even better, there is always a younger brother to blame and pick on :)
... on 22 July 2005 @ 11:45