LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

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Welcome 2 the 4 of us little 1 !

11 July 2005

At 10 to 3 in the afternoon on this day, July 11 2005, our third son was born. We're all very happy with him, especially his two elder brothers, who hardly can leave him alone! The buzz around him constantly, shower him with kisses, hugs and caresses and only want to be close to him!

On Wednesday Sebastiaan will register him at the proper authorities, together with Casper and Robin. Then we will send you his birthcard so you can get to know his three full names ;-). A tip of the veil: L.B.T. Naafs !

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. Toeslagen Kantoor posted:

    Van Harte Gefeliciteerd namens alle mensjes van Toeslagen Kantoor
    L = Loket
    B = Belastingdienst
    T = Toeslagen
    Goed geraden he?

    ... on 13 July 2005 @ 10:49

  2. Toeslagen Kantoor posted:

    Test failed, kan niet overweg met diacritische tekens, newlines , tabs etc.
    Is ie wel XHTML compliant?

    ... on 13 July 2005 @ 10:55

  3. Sebastiaan posted:

    Bevinding opgelost!

    Comments kunnen nu overweg met newlines en diacritische tekens.

    Tevens worden alle HTML-tags verwijderd.
    Later wil ik nog wel kijken of ik bepaalde tags wel toe ga staan voor de comments. Dan kunnen bezoekers zelf hun commentaar enigzins opmaken.

    ... on 18 July 2005 @ 23:45

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    ... on 27 July 2024 @ 09:48