LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Stories on Webdesign

IE6 bugs

22 May 2005

Take a look at these pages! If you're a developer devolping websites or webapplications for Internet Explorer or trying to make your stuff cross-browser, the guys over at Position is Everything have worked out most of the major bugs and workarounds for them. You need to keep coming back though, as they discover new bugs all the time!

Updated 19 December 2006, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk

Roger Johansson has written a piece on his IE.Next wishlist. Take a look at it and then you can add your wish. Maybe if enough people send their wishlist to Microsoft, IE 8 will be a lot better.

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. peter posted:

    Thank you, will keep this in mind when working for a new website and trying to "get it" when doing the Dreamweaver online-course...great help...

    ... on 22 May 2005 @ 15:24

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