LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Stories on Webdesign

New websites

01 June 2004

On a completly other note: I've added two more stories to the "Webdesign" section. In the beginning of June my latest website for the Ministery of Social Affairs and Work (SZW) will go live. It's not an entirely new site, it's a "markover" of an existing website. The task was to make it cross-browser and more "complete". So asked so done. The website is the first in a new line of websites of SZW: From a table-based to a div-based design!
The second story is also about a markover of an existing website. This time I stripped the initial design down to the bone (pure structure - HTML) and then added the design (colour and images - CSS). Go check out Verlofwijzer and Handreiking Jeugdwerkloosheid.

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top

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