I've read up on some stuff recently regarding IE 8 and the (in)sanity switch they've (Microsoft) built into the browser, the so-called "IE8 X-UA-Compatible". I found some nice articles about it on the Microsoft Internet Explorer blog ( and http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2009/02/16/just-the-facts-recap-of-compatibility-view.aspx), but also on MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd567845(VS.85).aspx). The articles show a good recap of what to do and how to approach this new "special need" IE browsers seem to have. Of course there were rants (http://ilia.ws/archives/196-IE8-X-UA-Compatible-Rant.html) but also immensely helpful charts (http://hsivonen.iki.fi/doctype/ie8-mode.pdf).
And then I found some nice code to use:
With these things you should be well armed to battle the beast with many dreadful heads, or i.e. IE ;-) Hopefully the newest head to pop up will be the best one yet!
Updated 10 February 2010, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk
I found a set of really great articles by Faruk Ates, a Dutch guy big in the Internet world. Read his initial story on X-UA-Compatible here and the follow-up here.
Updated 10 February 2010, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk
While we're at it, here some more info:
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
1... on 19 February 2025 @ 02:12