LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Stories on Webdesign


14 January 2006

I came across this link over at CSSHelpPile - a very helpful and informative site I read now and then, when time permits! It's a great introduction and guide how to become a better webdeveloper, using webstandards.

Become a better Standardista

Learning to develop web-sites using web standards is a bit like learning the guitar, it's fairly easy to get started but to master it takes years of hard work and learning. With the right approach you can become more efficient.

And for those of you who are past this stage, who breath webstandards, go check out the "all-things-web" links page Bobby van der Sluis has collected. Bookmark it now - it's a comprehensive and valuable library! Cherish it like you cherish the Firefox Developer Tools, those magnificent invaluable widgets you use while developing websites and web applications ;-)

Updated 29 April 2006, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk

At work they call me a webstandard Evangelist. Why? Well, read my blog and you'll understand! But as if that wasn't enough, my boss once told me: "You're not an Evangelist, you're a Fundamentalist!" So now I am known as the Webstandard Fundamentalist ;-) Beware all you webdesigners and webdevelopers out there, I'm comin' 2 getcha!

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. Pappa posted:

    erg interessant....ook voor oldies als

    ... on 14 January 2006 @ 12:38

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