LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Stories on Webdesign

Webstandards - take one

21 December 2005

I've redesigned a part of a ministerial website to comply with webstandards. Having read so much about designing with webstandards and myself been doing this for some years now, an opportunity came along to show what webstandards actually are capable of. After having analyzed the functional needs and read up on the not yet realized or missing functional wants, I started redesigning the website of Academie Reservering.
The first step was to rework and -design the HTML, making sure it complied to the HTML 4.01 Strict doctype, as well as the WAI Priority 1 guidelines. The second step was cleaning out the HTML of everything related to style- and designelements, creating a clean break between style and content, and between markup, structure and design. The third step was testing the redesigned website on the Windows and Mac platforms, using a wide array of visual browsers, as well as emulating other types of browsers (like Lynx).
After half a day of tweaking the design I can proudly say that the website validates and that it complies with the WAI Priority 1 guidelines.
This website is only one of many websites of the Dutch government that slowly but surely are making the switch from legacy, non-standards code to fully adhering to and complying with the W3C webstandards. Beautiful times lie ahead.

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. pappa posted:

    Interessant spul, die vernieuwing...hoop dat ieder ministerie die ook volgt...

    ... on 22 December 2005 @ 07:45

  2. Sebastiaan posted:

    Ze zijn zeker bezig! Vanaf 2006 moet elk kernministerie aan de webrichtlijnen voldoen. Koploper is het Ministerie van VWS, die al een jaar of drie een volledig XHTML en Drempels Vrij compliant website heeft! Pluim voor hun!

    ... on 27 December 2005 @ 17:14

  3. Storm posted:

    I validated a random page on your website and it didnt validate :D

    ... on 11 January 2006 @ 17:37

  4. Sebastiaan posted:

    Dear Storm, you were absolutely right. It seems that in XHTML Strict hidden input fields need to be contained in a certain range of blockelements. One of them is a

    , which infact is the container for the content and the comments. This for some reason or the other is not recognised by the W3C validator as close enough or something, hence it didn't validate these individual entry-pages.
    I've changed the code of this page so that the hidden form fields now are contained by the same as the submit button. This seems fine for the validator.
    Hence these pages validate!

    But, then there's another problem! Commenters who don't use valid XHTML when posting a comment ;-) !
    I'll have to try and filter the comments so that these are valid XHTML as well!

    Thanx for pointing out the validation errors!

    ... on 11 January 2006 @ 20:10

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