LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Stories on Webdesign


01 February 2003

small screenshot of the website of Fimcap This is the first website I ever helped design. Together with my co-webmaster Jeroen Sangers we have created a site aimed at spreading information about Fimcap to its 30+ memberorganisations, but also to cater to Catholic Youth all over the world. Next to a newssection containing an electronic version of the bi-monthly newsletter Link, there is an overview of the organisation and of its activities, electronic gadgets and other downloads, a guestbook, WWW-links, a site-wide search possibility and a members-only section. This last part caters documents, messages and other information to the different memberorganisations organised at a continental level. The content for the open part of the site is maintained in the three official languages of Fimcap: English, French and Spanish. This site validates at the W3C HTML and CSS Validators. Our main goal with this site when we began in 2001 was that it should be a light, fast-rendering, easily accessible source of information for all its visitors, no matter what kind of connection, platform or browser a visitor uses. Although the design relies heavily on tables, we think that we have achieved our goals.

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top

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