This morning I stood in the Randstad Rail (a lightrail train in the Hague) coming into a station. Doors opened and people got in and out. Just before we departed a woman came sprinting to the doors, stopped, and then asked me: "Does this train go to the next station?"
I was so flabbergasted I didn't know what to answer! Of course this train goes to the next station, that's the inherent task of a train isn't it? There aren't any congestion trains skipping stations or trains suddenly changing direction per station. it's not like a lottery, get on and see where you end up. My fellow passengers and I at least got a good chuckle this morning ;-)
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
... on 19 February 2025 @ 01:48
Pappa posted:
1In Norway a legitimate question though...either the train stops for several hours, it collapses in the tunnels, derails or disappears under lots of snow and yet....the next station is just a dream
... on 27 April 2010 @ 04:48