LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Picture of Marjolijn and Sebastiaan during our wedding

Stories on Sebastiaan

Google Buzz

16 February 2010

Suddenly it was there - a splash page announcing Google Buzz. A sort  of Facebook but then only for Google users. Seemed quite interesting at first until you saw that when switching it on Buzz went haywire... Adding all sorts of people to your list of followers and automagically letting other people follow myself. Hey, that's my prerogative - I want to decide who to follow and who can follow me. It felt like an uncontrollable blow-out that I had no idea how to contain.

Then I found this article over at CNET: The article in clear steps explains how to get rid of Buzz AFTER you yourself have cleaned up the mess it made for you. Read it and decide for yourself if you want to take part in the next Google Buzz or not ;-)

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top

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