LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

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Stories on Sebastiaan

My mother has cancer

11 January 2010

Just before Christmas we got a telephone from my mother that her doctor has said she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer (EN: Wiki: Ovarian Cancer/ | NO: Eggstokk-kreft (fra Kreftforeningen) | NL: Eierstok-kanker (via KWF Kankerbestrijding). It was quite a shock, as we sort of had settled in with the new living situation of my mother (living alone with help-on-call). My mother too was ready to enjoy live again after some years with serious setbacks. Now we're in for quite a fight - well, my mother will have to do most of the fighting, we'll all be coaches encouraging her from the sideline.

If you feel the need to drop my mother a line, please email me or Veronica and then I'll pass your message along. If she's up to it she'll reply herself via email or telephone. Also if you want to send her snailmail please let me know, then I'll send you her postal address.

I guess I'll be blogging a bit more over the coming six months about the condition of my mother and her  victories and possible setbacks.

Updated 20 January 2010, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk

Unfortunately the doctors haven't been able to determine the type of cancer-cells in my mothers belly. After three tries they will try a fourth time this Friday. Twice they've drained fluids from her belly and once done a biopt on the tumor itself. Friday will see another biopt try. Things take a while when it comes to cutting or poking into my mum, because she's on blood thinners due to her brain seizures. Four days after having stopped using them (and increasing the risk of another brain seizure) she can be "probed" or "cut". So come next Monday we may know more.

Updated 16 February 2010, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk

My mother was operated on last Wednesday (9th of february) to remove the tumor that was in her belly. This is the piece I wrote about it on Facebook (in Norwegian):

Det ser ut til aa gaa bra med mamma foreloepig, neste uke faar vi resultater.

Dette har skjedd siden sist:

  • hun er hjemme naa etter operasjonen forrige uke onsdag
  • der har kirurgen fjernet alt som er kvinnelig paa innsiden + blindtarmen
  • hun sa, tja, naar jeg foerst hadde aapnet henne opp, kunne jeg like godt fjerne den, den er ikke tul nytte uansett
  • kirurgen mener at hun har fjernet alt som var paa insiden av tumoren
  • hun er selv av den mening at det ikke er en ondartet tumor men en godartet borderline-tumor
  • et slags forstadium paa kreft, men ikke helt kreft likevel
  • saa naa er det bare aa vente paa labben som skal undersoeke svulsten (20 cm stor) og se om de finner noe som helst av ondartete kreftceller i svulsten
  • dersom ja blir det en cellegiftkur, dersom ikke er hun klar til aa bli bedre
  • Saa vi krysser fingrene og haaper at alt er ferdig ;-)
  • All's well that ends well ;-)

Updated 28 April 2014, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk

Today, more than four years after the first diagnose my mother is doing fine. Her half-yearly checkups keep returning good results, so the cancer seems to be gone for good. Very nice indeed!

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top

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