Little Helene (M.F. Henriksen) was born on the 2nd of August 2006 in Oslo, Norway. It happened very quickly. Just the day before we (Sebastiaan, Marjolijn, Casper, Robin and Lucas) had had a great day in the park at St.Hanshaugen, nearby my old flat and the flat where Olav and Christina live (now proud father and mother of Helene). It was clear that the little one was due in two weeks time, so we didn't expect her to pop-out so soon! We jokingly said when leaving Olav and Christina that evening that if she announced her arrival earlier, that we'd love to come by and see the little wonder (as we left for the Netherlands 10 days later). But we didn't expect to get an SMS-message the very next day!
Luckily everything was OK and a couple of days later we visited little Helene and her "newborn" parents at the hospital in Oslo (in Norway childbirth usually takes place in the hospital). It was a lovely little creature. Her mother has started a blog for the little girl. YOu can read all about her here:
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
... on 07 October 2024 @ 16:48
CB posted:
1Takk for dette! Hyggelig å dele nyheter med verden!
Smil fra alle oss tre!
... on 25 October 2006 @ 11:10
CB posted:
2by the way, she was born on the 2nd!
... on 04 December 2006 @ 13:26
Sebastiaan posted:
3I've changed the date in the entry! Of course you're right (!), when writing the entry I looked at the date of the first entry on Helene's blog..., which was the 9th of August. Hence the error ;-)
... on 04 December 2006 @ 13:45