LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Picture of Marjolijn and Sebastiaan during our wedding

Stories on Sebastiaan

It's oh so hot...

19 July 2006

Big sunIt's so darn hot today, everything you want to do takes a huge effort paired with extreme sweating. A perfect day to do nothing - except we get 30 people over today to celebrate Robin's and Lucas' birthday. And to make matters worse, a bolt of our sunscreen let loose the other day, so we cannot roll it out, otherwise it might fall down. Not a scenario you want with so many kids running around. Furthermore our car is at the garage, so no airco when driving around for last minute errands. Marjolijn did the groceries yesterday, sweating profusely in the car in the process. Luckily I'll be picking up the car today, handing in the airco-less 'loaner'. That'll be a relief ;-) Anyways, I'll report on todays event later this week, including some pictures.

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. Jeroen posted:


    Let me give you an advise: don't try to live your normal life if it gets hot. Do as we do here: close your doors, blind your windows, have a long siesta and stay inside during the day.

    Today we had 44° (, but the people here complain less than the Dutch. It's simply too hot to complain.

    ... on 20 July 2006 @ 16:35

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