LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Picture of Marjolijn and Sebastiaan during our wedding

Stories on Sebastiaan

Veronica and Bart married

05 September 2003

look at the lovely married couple Today my sister married her boyfriend Bart! After having lived together for some time in Lelystad they took the big leap into marriagehood! Clad in Norwegian folkdresses they first where married for the law. Then, after a quick change of clothing and props, Bart, in a nice suit and Veronica, in a dazzling, lovely, white bridaldress, were married for the Church. There were guests from all over Europe, from Norway, Denmark, Germany and England - quite an international happening!


All in all we were about 50 guests at the pride of Lelystad and the province of Flevoland: the Batavia Wharf. Here replicas of old VOC-ships are being built, like they did it in the old days - pure craftmanship - all made by hand. Reliving "the Golden Age" of Dutch influence in the world. A great setting for the two divers getting married that day. After the church wedding, which had "Water" as major theme, all the guests were taken on a tour of the wharf. The guide explained how the ships were built then, and how they are built now.

Veronica and Bart - the married couple. Picture taken on board the VOC-ship "Batavia" in Lelystad harbour.

Furthermore we were taken on a tour of the floating museum ship "Batavia", a replica of the 16th century trading ship which sank off the coast of Australia. When it was discovered by divers in the 1970's, it was brought to the surface piece by piece and rebuilt in the Netherlands. Her sistership - "the Duyfken" - which visited Sydney during the Olympic Games there in 2000, lies in Amsterdam.

After the tour of the wharf it was time for the group pictures. Bride and groom with family, friends, parents - you name the combination - they were all taken pictures of!

Finally the time had come for some serious and tastebud-tickling food! At the wharf there had been prepared a large buffet while we were doing the tour. So as we sat down the frolicking could begin. But first Bart and Veronica had to cut the wedding-cake, 4 stories high, and do the ceremonial "feeding-each-other-a-piece-of-the-wedding-cake". Then the rest of us could eat scones, buns and bread with Norwegian goats cheese, Dutch cheeses, different types of meat, Norwegian salmon and all kinds of salades. Accompanied with milk, coffee and tea it was probably the healthiest wedding-buffet I've ever partaken in! But very yummy! During the buffet several speeched were held, as well as little charades. All in good humor and very emotional at times!

But all good things must come to an end. And so did this day as well. At ½ past 5 in the afternoon it was time for wedding-couple to say their goodbyes, after having given gifts to their own guests - as a thank you for all kinds of things! Generous huh?

Veronica and Bart were swept away by car to a secret location, not being revealed to anyone until the day after! The rest of us slowly trickled away, everyone going back to their own agendas. But..., with memories of a lovely day!

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top

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