LuCaspeRobin + Thomas ;-)

Picture of Marjolijn and Sebastiaan during our wedding

Stories on Sebastiaan

Friday the 13th

13 January 2006

Just this afternoon it dawned on me what day it was today. A day full of possible problems, witchcraft, black cats, (un)lucky events, old sayings and cultural heritage - in short, Friday, with a capital F, the 13th!

The newspaper this morning, I usually read Metro and Spits in the train to work, had devoted a couple of pages to the phenomenon, but all in all not that much was said or to be read about it today. On the Telly the Dutch broadcaster Veronica had a special Friday the 13th evening, starting off with Ghostbusters, then showing Fallen (with Denzel Washington fighting demons), followed by "I know what U did last summer", topping it all off with the sequel to the aforementioned movie! What an evening ;-)

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. Pappa posted:

    No Friday the 13th events here in Oslo.....though my PC-screen all of a sudden "fixed" itself and became normal again....LOOOOOOOOOOVE the

    ... on 14 January 2006 @ 00:36

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