Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning is an absolute must see film for all Star Trek fans. Star Wreck is really a brilliant parody on Star Trek.
It took a couple of Finnish fans around 7 years to make this movie. The endresult is really brilliant. And the best part is that it's completely free to download, in several formats. Enjoy ;-)
Here's a quote from the website itself:
The first Finnish full-length scifi parody is made from astounding special effects, action and loads of dark humour. It is the product of a core group of five Finns and many people who've helped us during the seven years it has been in the making.
If you wish to know more you may want to watch the trailer, or read more about the film.
Updated 18 October 2005, by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk
Just finished (no pun intended) watching the movie, and I must say it's really good. The acting isn't that impressive but still very good, the punchlines are sometimes hilarious, the texts are sufficient, the story just fine and the graphics are excellent. Really good, almost ILM worthy ;-). All in all very well worth the 1 hour, 43 minutes and 31 seconds (1:43:31) this movie lasts.
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
... on 19 February 2025 @ 04:01
Pappa posted:
1Heb 'm effe ge d/lvan een finse BT-server, lijkt me er vanavond na het voetballen naar kijken...bedankt voor de review..
... on 18 October 2005 @ 17:00