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Greece wins the 2005 Eurovison Song Contest

22 May 2005

overskyet Wig Wam RULEZ!!!

But Greece won this years - the 50th - Eurovision Song Contest, for the first time in the history of the contest. Fun for Greece, they seem to win everything lately. The Olympics, the UEFA European Football Championships (Euro 2004) and now the Eurovision Song Contest. It was a night filled with a lot of songs of mixed quality, but with a few very good ones and many bad ones. Very peculiar this year were the many drums, folk-like songs and dancing and the very evenly spread voting where all countries got points. Until about halfway Latvia and Greece, together with Malta, Moldova and Norway where quite evenly matched. But then suddenly the points rained down on Greece, and the oiled machine of teh Greece camp could cash in on the many hours, days, weeks and months of promoting their artist to European audiences! Congratulations!
But let this be said: Wig Wam RULEZ!!!

Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top


  1. peter posted:

    YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NORWAY WIG WAM, one of the few groups/performers who kept their tone all the way.....but my God what a carbage on this Festival....might even be the last one of this kind of production ( I hope...)

    ... on 22 May 2005 @ 15:23

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