This'll be fun - our third kiddo is no more than three months old and alreay he has his first set of brand clothes. Our neighbours work at Nike and had seen this light-blue (yes, it's a boy) set in the gift shop at Nike. She thought it was so sweet she just had to buy it. So now people think we're spoiling our kid at a young age ;-).
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
... on 19 February 2025 @ 03:28
Opa posted:
1niets te mooi voor de kleinkinderen...niet klagen hoor, gewoon dank je wel
... on 23 October 2005 @ 20:18
Pappa posted:
2Lekker van Dijkie hoor, alhoewel ook veel van Casper én Robin, mooie mix...
... on 06 November 2005 @ 12:47