...you may ask! There have been no posts here for over three weeks. Are they all still alive? How are they doing? Is life so dull that there is nothing to tell? The answer to all of these questions, and more, in this post!
As you may have understood from earlier posts, Casper has really gotten the hang of talking. He's babbling away, at such a speed, with so many words, it's sometimes difficult to keep up. He picks up new words very fast, even introducing new words out of the blue, words we have no idea where he gets them from! As of now he's able to combine 5-8 words into one sentence, increasing his ability to make himself understood, but also to tell us things. He can answer questions on what has happened during the day, but also recollect what has happened several days ago. Last week Jelle celebrated his 2nd birthday and Casper was invited. Together they unwrapped all the gifts, something which he will bring up from time to time. But he also remembers me saying that come Caspers birthday, Jelle will help Casper to unwrap his gifts!
Last weekend we were on Texel, the largest of the Dutch Wadden-islands. I myself hadn't been there before, and for the kids it was a first as well. The weather wasn't too good, but we had sun, rain, snow and hail all in the same weekend. And a lot of wind, so much we almost were swept of the dikes! Casper utterly enjoyed himself on the island. He as outside several times together with me, always sporting his beloved, wooden, Ikea® tri-cycle. With one leg and foot under his bottom on the seat using the other foot one to propel himself forward (much like a step), he at times was so fast I had to run to keep up with him! Up the dikes we went, and down the dikes we went. Casper with a big smile on his face, laughing and making happy sounds, Sebastiaan a little worried running backwards in front of him, stopping him from time to time, so that the speed down the dikes wouldn't become too great. A downhiller has been born! Casper so enjoyed the outdoors, that when we came home on Sunday, he first refused to go inside! First we had to take his tri-cycle for a ride around the block (a long block!). By the end of the entire block he was so tired of all the impressions of the weekend, that he almost fell asleep before dinner. Almost... :-)
Posted by Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk | top
1... on 19 February 2025 @ 03:15